September: In Bermuda; walks, work, birthdays, boating and family times



Before we knew it we were into September

With so much to still get done before we returned to Guatemala and Aeeshah.

Renovations, work and sorting our space

Kate, Jae and May with their 2 cats moved out at the beginning of the month. Just 2 days later our painters moved in, and we had to strip and ready the rooms ahead of their progress.

In 5 days they were finished painting every room and all the woodwork. Then it was reorganizing and cleaning every item, corner, window, so on and so forth. We would start as early as we could and work all day. John borrowed our son’s van and made dozens of trip to the dump. I took several loads of stuff to be donated to charity.

Once we were nearing the end of that phase we needed to look for some furnishingsWe purchased what we could and have arranged for the rest to be imported. Just 2 days before we were due to leave we declared the place nearly finished. Our intensions are to open an AirB&B aka a holiday home. We both are happy with our results.

Month of birthdays

September was the month of birthdays, 1st we had Quest’s 1st birthday and his birthday party.

This party took quite a bit of getting organized by Chrissie, with our help, but when the it was held everyone had a fun time.

2nd we had our son Gavin’s birthdayAt that time we were staying with Gavin and Katie and that evening we had an excellent sushi dinner. The 3rd birthday was John’s, again being at Gavin and Katie’s house, but this time we indulged in an amazing Indian curry of several dishes.

Walks along the dunes

I had begun walking in the early mornings to get myself back to some level of fitness and to shed weight….Dr’s orders. So every other day I would head out, cut through the Tribe roads nearby and onto the dunes above the nearby beaches. 

It really is very beautiful along the dunes in Warwick. I could go eastwards walking the dunes above Longbay towards Astwood Park and then double back or take the lanes home again. Or I could go westwards above the Warwick coves and Horseshoe Bay and double back along the cliffs of the coves. 

Every and any direction is wonderful, plus as the dunes are hilly and sandy the trails do offer some challenge. In fact the local athletes run the trails to keep their fitness. The early morning was reasonably cool before the sun was fully blazing, plus there was hardly anyone around.

On Gavin’s boat to King’s Point in Somerset

One Sunday afternoon we went on Gavin’s boat to King’s Point in Somerset. There we spent a lovely afternoon playing with the 3 grandchildren that were there,

Lily, Eve and Quest. 

The weather was perfect as there was a nice breeze and the water temperature was refreshing rather than the tepid temperatures of mid summer.

Kate, Jae and May at their new cottage

Another late afternoon and evening we visited Kate, Jae and May at their new cottage in Somerset. They live in a cute, 300 year old pink cottage where they have a 3 acre garden. 

We sat in the garden while May and Quest played. It really was a lovely evening, a few drinks and snacks, a barbecue dinner followed by dessert. A great time was enjoyed by one and all.

Our time home in Bermuda was busy, but enjoyable, however we are both really happy to be back to Aeeshah and Chico.


The theme you choose may change or simply elude you, but being your own story means you can always choose the tone. It also means that you can invent the language to say who you are and what you mean. 

Toni Morrison





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